4 Financial Tips to Help You After Buying a New Home

Buying a new home is always exciting, but it also comes with many financial challenges. This article offers four important tips to help you prepare for your new financial responsibilities — from setting up direct debits and automatic bill payments to managing your energy use and more.


Set up automatic bill payments

The first thing you need to remember after you buy a new home is to set up automatic bill payments. You don’t want to have to worry about paying your bills every month. And you certainly don’t want to miss a payment because you forgot to plan ahead. The easiest way to avoid this issue is to set up automatic bill payments.

Setting up automatic bill payments can help you save money. When you set up an automatic bill payment, you typically save a percentage of money because of the discount the companies offer for paying automatically. This can help you save money on the cost of a bill each month, and it can also help you save on late fees if you forget to pay a bill on time.


Get hold of important insurances 

Getting a new home is a very exciting thing for you. In addition to buying a home, it also means that you have to take on a lot of liability. If you are the type that likes to save money, then this should be great news. However, if you don’t have insurance, you could be in for a very expensive surprise. One of the biggest expenses that can come out of a home purchase is insurance. So, it is always good to get ahold of the most important insurances. 

It is especially important to have a home insurance policy if you are going to move into a new home. The home insurance policy will protect your home and everything in it if something happens to go wrong.

Life insurance is a major one, and it’s often ignored because it’s not seen as an immediate necessity. But if you have a family, you should have the policy to help pay for your dependents’ living expenses should something happen to you. In the U.S, the most important insurance is a disability insurance policy. If you have a disability insurance policy, you can still get an income if you are unable to work, as disability insurance will cover your living expenses, such as rent, food, and medical expenses. 


Don’t overlook your home equity (for refinancing)

When buying a new home, it is likely that you will need to use some of the equity in your current home. For example, you may need to take out a home equity loan or line of credit to pay for your new home. After you buy your new home, you will now have one mortgage payment instead of two. So your new home will need to be paid off before you can do a refinance. 

If you have a home equity loan, you will have to pay that loan off before you can do a refinance. If you have a home equity line of credit, you will need to pay that off before you can do a refinance. A better option can be cash-out refinance loans. The amount of equity in your home is the difference between what you owe on your home and the market value of your home.

When you buy a new home, you need to understand your options for using the equity you have in your current home to help pay for the new one. Because there are tax implications with a mortgage refinance, you’ll want to consult with a tax professional or mortgage lender before deciding on what to do with your equity.


Be sure to have a budget before you put down the cash

If you don’t have a budget or a plan in place, you might find yourself in trouble. You should know how much money you are going to allocate to all of the following costs before you move into your new home: 

  1. Down payment. 
  2. Closing costs. 
  3. Furniture, decor, and appliances. 
  4. Moving costs. 
  5. Utilities. 
  6. Insurance.

Planning is key to any major purchase. Buying a home is no different. Before you put down the cash, it’s important to make sure you have a firm budget in place. Not only will this help you determine how much you can afford to spend, but it will also help you stay aware of the amount of money you’ve allocated toward the home. 

A good rule of thumb is to make sure you can cover three to six months of mortgage payments in your savings account in case of an emergency. You don’t want to end up in a situation where you have to put down everything you have on a home. If you want to ensure that you have enough money to cover the moving expenses and other costs, it is important to set aside money for unexpected bills.

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Fri Feb 11 , 2022
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