The Benefits and Side Effects of Lip Fillers

Many women are curious about the benefits and risks associated with lip fillers. The FDA has approved these cosmetic procedures since 2009. While there are a few possible side effects, they are not textbook risks. The following is a list of possible complications and side effects. These aren’t the only concerns you should be aware of before undergoing this procedure. So contact with Dr. Niketa Sonavane, Celebrity Dermatologist and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai. No worries to get the best service in your budget. Lip fillers in Mumbai is affordable and no costly anymore.

Can lip fillers cause health problems?

One of the side effects of lip fillers is bruising. The treatment will puncture the larger blood vessels in your lips. However, bruising should fade within one to two weeks. If you experience unusual bruising outside of your lips, you should contact your injector. The process is very gentle, and the only pain you’ll feel is a tiny pinch. Afterwards, the swelling will go away on its own. To avoid any risk factor, dermal fillers in Mumbai is a place that you are looking for.

Do lip fillers damage your lips?

Other possible side effects include sensitivity and mild bruising. Your doctor will prescribe a mild painkiller and instruct you to ice your lips. For the first 24 hours after your procedure, you’ll need to avoid using lip products. Your doctor may also advise you to avoid exercising and vigorous physical activities for 48 hours. Although these are rare, side effects are common and should be discussed with your physician prior to having the procedure.

Long last

HA lip fillers may last up to 12 months. Hyaluronic acid is naturally metabolized by our bodies, so the results are long-lasting. In addition, Dr. McLaughlin is conservative and won’t inject unnecessary areas. You may also experience cold sores if the injection goes into a cold sore. To prevent cold sores from occurring, he will prescribe you anti-viral medications at least two days before your treatment.

Before and after

Because the benefits and side effects of lip fillers aren’t permanent, you might want to wait a few months to see the full results. Typically, lip fillers last from 12 to 18 months, but they do not last as long as you might think. This is because the filler’s life expectancy depends on your metabolism. It’s also important to keep in mind that some people’s injections are not suitable for everyone.

Final words

During the treatment, you should avoid alcoholic beverages and blood thinners. During the procedure, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drinking water before and after the injection will help your body heal quickly. You should avoid massaging your lips after the procedure. This will move the filler around and lead to unattractive results. Your surgeon should discuss the risks and benefits of lip fillers before the procedure. You will see noticeable results in less than one hour after treatment. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor before undergoing a lip injection.


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