Keep Your Eye out For the fashionable Artist, KitaColee, also known as ‘SlimK’

KitaColee stays motivated in the music industry, and because of her work, she has received major recognition in Dallas, Texas. Staying consistent with her music, her eyes are set on the top, and she is not giving up. Working on her projects day in and day out, she speaks more on her future releases. “I’ve been working on my new project coming out this summer so be on the lookout.” Known as personable, a hustler, and fashionable, SlimKis completely adamant about making music and is motivated by her loved ones. When away from home, failure is a common occurrence, but SlimK, a successful artist, is not one to give up. Her goal is to keep moving ahead and to create something meaningful with her music. Family and faith inspire her to keep going and SlimKhas tunnel vision.“I am putting my family in a better situation and breaking generational curses.”


Where are you from?

Wichita Falls, TX


What is it creatively that you are working on?

My music. A Rare Form Ep Out NOW, and perfecting my craft, just becoming the most successful entertainer I can be.


What piece of advice you want others to take back from the work you display?

Work hard for your dreams because you only have one life to live, you can always go back and work a 9-5.


As a business owner, what are some obstacles have you had to overcome to get where you are at?

Being broke, having to put my last in my music and in my dreams, working long hours to reach my goals. and in spite of everything just not giving up.



KitaColee views herself as an ambitious artist who has become more of an inspiration and a go-getter to others because of her work ethic and determination. She never gave up and describes a nonstop passion for her music. Staying committed to what I do, and not giving up when adversity comes my way.” KitaColee or SlimK as some would call her, keeps a positive attitude toward reaching her goal.


SlimK went on to remark that her passion for music will always be a driving force in her life the people around her influencing her a lot. “I looked at the world around me and I seen and what I wanted for my life, and what I didn’t want, and I took that information and ran with it. From then on I just reached for the stars and never gave up.” Several artists had significant challenges in 2021 because of the breakout of COVID-19. A variety of legislation enacted at the municipal, state, and federal levels banned a huge number of large-scale events, such as concerts and festivals, from occurring. Because of this choice, the number of opportunities for artists to exhibit their talents has been dramatically reduced. However, KitaColee places a strong focus on her music and always stayed steadfast in her journey. Currently, KitaColee’s attention is focused on continuing to pursue her musical career in order to build on her already solid foundation and take it even farther than it has already gone. To be successful SlimK has her eyes set on the prize and understands that staying consistent is key


#Focuseddd continues to promote the stories of individuals like SlimKthe artist, who has a reason for doing what they do in an inspiring way.

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